Liquidity Ratio: Significance Of Liquidity

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PARAMETER LIQUIDITY RATIOS Current Ratio Current Ratio= Current asset/ Current liabilities Current assets for the year 2013-14 is Rs. 959.57 (in crores) A current liability for the year 2013-14 is Rs. 634.44 (in crore) Current ratio for the year 2013-14 is 1.34. It has increased from 0.87 to 1.34. Quick or acid test or liquid ratio Quick ratio= liquid assets/ all current liabilities-BOD Liquid assets for the year 2013-14 is 418.74 crores Current liabilities including BOD is 634.44 crores Therefore, quick ratio= 0.66:1. Last year it was 0.42:1. Significance of liquidity ratios. Liquidity generally means the ability of the firm to meet its current liabilities. When a company wants a short term loans from banks or creditors, the banks and creditors …show more content…

These ratios measure the aspects of profitability like rate of profit on sales, whether the profits are increasing or decreasing. Some of the other financial ratios of Tata global beverages for the year 2014 and 2013 are as follows: Particulars March 2014 March 2013 Cash profit margin 10.15% 10.54% Net profit margin 15.58% 10.6% Inventory turnover ratio 4.2 3.57 Interest cover 11.54 10.57 Return on long term funds 15.63 14.45 Total debt to owners fund 0.18 0.08 FINANCIAL SUMMARY OF MARCH 2012 PROFIT AND LOSS STATEMENT Rs. in lakhs INCOME Rs. Revenue from operations 33884.40 Other income 79.02 Total revenue 33963.42 EXPENSES Cost of materials consumed 14932.32 Purchase of trading goods 9321.20 Change in inventories of finished goods (111.74) Employee benefit expense 2018.90 Finance costs 168.24 Depreciation expenses 157.63 Other expenses 7285.98 Total expenses 33772.53 Profit before exceptional 190.89 Exceptional items (net) 416.51 Profit before tax 607.40 Provision for taxation 19.20 Profit after taxation 588.20 BALANCE SHEET EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Rs. in

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