Like Water For Chocolate Character Analysis

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Societal expectations are what people in society expect from you so people of all ages do it like change the way they act, the clothes they wear and hairstyles they have. In Like Water For Chocolate Tita is upset with Mama Elena about not being able to marry Pedro. Tita is expected to take care of Mama Elena because Mama Elena wants to continue to follow the tradition that everyone follows so no one judges her. Tita does not care about anything anymore, she is done. She wants to marry Pedro but she has to take care of Mama Elena until she dies. Tita stops caring about her tradition for that reason. A major theme of Laura Esquivel's Like Water For Chocolate Is to ignore societal expectations and become who one wants to be. This theme developed through the change in this character the character Gertrudis, and the sad past Mama Elena struggled with.
Gertrudis changed the story because she was working at the brothel and she knew that is not where she belonged. In the story Like Water For Chocolate Gertrudis runs around around naked after the dish Tita prepared due to a reaction from blood in rose petals. “Gertrudis stopped running
In Like Water For Chocolate Tita finally decides to have a mind of her own and have her own choice. She did not care about what people would think if Tita and Pedro got married. “Tita no longer gave a damn either about what people would say when their love affair was made public.” (237) Tita does not care about what people think anymore. Years have gone by and and Tita and Pedro attended the wedding of Alex “John’s son” and Esperanza “Pedro’s daughter” and Rosaura has passed and Pedro wanted to marry Tita but she was not sure if she was serious or not about it. Tita gets a feeling she never felt before when this happens and she is ok with people thinking of her in a bad way now because she does not care about societal

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