Life In Fahrenheit 451, Of Mice And Men, Romeo And

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Life’s Battles

It may seem like some people have an easy life but that's not the truth. Life, as you know, has many challenges and obstacles. Some are small like missing the bus and some are more serious like the death of a loved one. The books Fahrenheit 451, Of Mice and Men, and Romeo and Juliet are great novels that show that everybody has struggles within their life. In Romeo and Juliet by william Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet are in love but there parents don't approve of it. The lyrics of “Rude” by Magic say, “Or we will run away To another galaxy you know You know she's in love with me She will go anywhere I go”. The lyrics explain how if their parents don’t give their blessings then they will run away to be together regardless what their parents’ opinions are. To me the lyrics remind me of friar Lawrence’s plan in the novel. For example, when Romeo and Juliet's parents didn't accept their marriage Friar made a plan where Juliet has to experience “a thing like death” to …show more content…

The lyrics of “Open Your Eyes” by Alter Bridge says, “It's hard to walk this path alone Hard to know which way to go Will I ever save this day Will it ever change”. This line in the song is saying he is alone and that he doesn’t know if life will get better even though he is trying so hard to save the day. Being alone and not knowing if all your sacrifices are worth something can be very frustrating. This reminds me of the end of the novel when montag is on the run. For example, while on the run Montag thinks to himself “Do your own bit of saving, and if you drown, at least die knowing you were heading for shore” (Bradbury). All Montag wanted to do was make others see what he saw. To see that society had went down hill and was only going to get worse. Regardless of trying to get others to understand, in the end, he watched his city be

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