Life And Death In Edgar Allen Poe's Life

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Within Edgar Allen Poe’s life he had dealt with multiple deaths in his family, the isolation of being an up and coming writer,and the rejection of women he loved and thought loved him. Poe was born in 1809 Poe, and was adopted by John and Frances Allen due to his mother’s death 2 years after his birth. The relationship Poe had with Frances was far different from his relationship with John. Frances was the mother figure that he was not able to have as a child, while John was distant. Poe went to England for schooling for 5 years as a child. Then when he came to the age 17 he went to college at the University of Virginia, however his adoptive father didn 't provide him enough money for schooling. So, as a result he started to gamble, but he …show more content…

That city at one point was full of pagan worshippers. However, they left their city and let it get old with time and fall apart. God was with the city at one point but had had left, and with him his light that protects, covers and shines is no longer with the city. The pagans in the city did not care much for their fragile lives, or their bodies that have passed away. The pagans don 't view life as something very special. They saw no better life, and there was no afterlife for them. All they viewed was that there is only death after life. So Death watches over his city, and watches it sink into Hades. In Hades, Death will be respected, and will also enjoy his time there. Poe is through his writing is trying to show his readers that death itself in the end remains alone. In Poe’s work, the mood given is ironically comfortable when the poem is about how Death is king. The calm serene scenery makes the reader feel as though they can relax. As though they are looking out at a desert, though barren and dry the desert is still beautiful. Death should not be feared, because death does not control who goes to heaven or hell in the afterlife. Only that person can make that decision while alive. Through imagery Poe teaches his readers that they are the ones that determine their life after death. In “The City of Sin” Poe describes the lives of the people who once lived in the city death …show more content…

The speakers points out to his readers is that nature needs to be appreciated deeper like it was before. The speaker tells his readers that they need to find God behind nature 's abilities. The speaker tells the reader that in the midst of enjoying nature it is forgotten to see God 's power. The speaker only knew of one person who could fully understand nature when he was young. The person who could fully understand nature was Christ. When Christ was born, the earth was focused on him because he is the first and the last. Yet, as a infant he was ignorant to his power and his mission. The speaker starts to wonders if the history of life nature knows will pass by without letting anyone know.. The speaker believes that knowledge of the power behind nature should not to be hidden. The hidden knowledge, is that the beauty of the world is made by God, and within his creation he knows all

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