Letter To The Colonel Anderson Satire

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First of all i would like to start with what this letter made me feel, i dont like reading much but this letter didnt have a single sentence which doesnt make me laugh, a beautiful way of insulting someone without using harsh words. which is showing someone his/her true face. the satire way of writing made it perfect to convey the message without showing any insolence. What appears to be an innocent letter is, in reality, one laden with sarcasm to disguise Jourdon Anderson’s disgust with his former master. In the opening paragraph, for example, he declares, “I have often felt uneasy about you.” The use of the word “uneasy” is not only a euphemism but also meiosis at its finest. Although Jourdon remains polite in his derision, he explicitly contrasts his time in the Confederate South to his …show more content…

Anderson.” By detailing these first-time experiences, which the Colonel takes for granted as his birthright, the reader sees that Jourdon embraces and values his freedom. Clearly, his contempt is not only with Colonel Anderson, but with the institution of slavery itself. In the third paragraph, no longer does Jourdon beat around the bush with niceties; here, he hits his former master where it counts: his wallet. Through the use of numbers and names, Jourdon demands restitution for his labor while a slave. His calculations reveal that he will not be manipulated any longer by his once-master. Furthermore, Jourdon’s reference to his attorney, Mr. Winters, reinforces his purpose and what Colonel Anderson must realize by now—Jourdon is no fool and refuses to be treated as such. Jourdon’s flexing of his metaphorical muscles also illustrates the unwavering spirit of a freed slave, which the whiteys need to grasp. Also present in the third paragraph is allusion in the form of metonymy. Here, Jourdon drops the most omnipotent name of all:

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