Letter To A Law Student

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In Malaysia, political scandals are commonplace. It could be innocently hilarious and silly, or it could be tragically saddening and unjust. All these did not matter to me until reality struck me when I participated in a Human Rights United Nations Conference. As a delegate of Israel, extensive and careful research was required in ensuring logical and sound argument. In my research, I was devastated when I discovered that the world is a constantly recurring kaleidoscope of innocent lives suffering and lost due to leaders' mistakes and inefficiencies. As the fate of the people rests in the hands of lawmakers, it is crucial that they possess adequate legal knowledge in achieving greater justice, and to make this world a better place. My interest in Law spurred me to read “Letters To A Law Student” by Nicholas McBride. The relationship between the Law and the society we live in, explained via the Belmarsh case, was rather interesting. In the wake of the 9/11 tragedy and the recent debate on the Paris attacks, is it safety, democracy, discrimination or the written Law that determines the fate of suspected terrorists? Society suffers from Islamophobia. Nonetheless, this does not give privilege to the ruling class to discriminate anyone as it is against the human rights. …show more content…

With the vital skills needed for reading Law, more specifically, sociology for example. Perseverance has provided me with the analytical aptitude to consider situations from a variety of perspectives. Moreover, my analytical skills are complemented by the theoretical aspect of Economics to think rationally, and critically in traversing a variety of situations. Studying Mathematics and Accounting has also allowed me to construct creative reasoning for

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