Lesotho Cultural Factors

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The main factors that had an impact on the people of Lesotho were economic, demographic and socio cultural influences. Food insecurity means the inability to obtain food of enough quantity and quality in an acceptable way fits in the socio-cultural factor and has an impact on malnutrition (Romero Daza, Himmelgreen, Noble, Turkon, 2009, p. 23). Demographic conditions in areas like Africa can have a negative impact on agriculture because of weather conditions or natural disasters such as earthquake, tsunami or tornados. Agriculture is a good strategy to grow a wide variety of plants or food (Crowther, 2013, p. 52-53). Lesotho is a very mountainous terrain, with heavy erosion caused by deforestation and overgrazing and has unpredictable weather …show more content…

27). The reason why individuals suffer from malnutrition is because of poverty, agriculture, food insecurity and income. If individuals have low income it means that they will only purchase a limited amount of food items, which can then lead to food insecurity. It has been estimated that poor households spend between 75%-80% of their income to secure food items (Romero Daza et al, 2009, p. 26). Poverty is a major issue in Lesotho because of HIV/AIDS epidemic that has caused 30,000 deaths a year (Romero Daza et al, 2009, p. 25). Over one quarter of Lesotho individuals are extremely poor (Romero Daza et al, 2009, p. 26). Health is a major concern due to the fact in Africa there are many individuals with HIV/AIDS, which can decrease the number of people doing agriculture tasks. Declining maize production and the increase in prices affected access to food, which were the main reasons for food deficit (Romero Daza et al, 2009, p. 26). All these factors that were discussed such as socio-cultural, economic, demographic and economic factors can lead to malnutrition. However, individuals then suffer from being obese or being …show more content…

3). Obesity is when individuals eat too much and become large in size. As mentioned in the article that the increase in childhood obesity can be caused by watching television or fast food consumption (Mendenhall, 2014, p. 3). In today’s society many kids like to stay at home to either watch television or play video games for several hours, which can have an impact on the body. In the United States kids that have obesity at a young age will most likely become obese adults with health risks such as cardiovascular disease, hypertension, dyslipidemia and type 2 diabetes mellitus (Mendenhall, 2014, p. 3). Obesity being a risk factor can cause number of diseases such as health disease and diabetes (Mendenhall, 2014, p. 5). Childhood obesity shouldn’t be taken lightly because many kids suffer from it. U.S. National Institutes recognized the importance of obesity research in 2003 and have put in a lot of funding (Mendenhall, 2014, p. 3-5). Many people believe that the mother or father feeding the child is to blame because of what they are feeding the child whether it be healthy or unhealthy food. In this study it showed that mothers are often getting blamed for the poor eating habits of their children (Mendenhall, 2014, p. 5). Poverty is one of the main reasons why individuals have a hard time eating healthy because it leads over nutrition or

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