Leptospirosis in Dogs: Risks, Prevention and Care

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Owning a dog comes with risk and with those risk are diseases, Leptospriosis is one of those diseases. Leptospirosis “has been attributed to more than 200 pathogenic serovars from the genus Leptospira” (Raghavan).” This disease brings deaths to dogs across the world every year and can be prevented by proper care and proper knowledge of the disease. The disease is not always prevalent in symptoms but the canine is the primary carrier of this disease, creating a large problem with minimal to do about controlling it. With a seasonal prevalence of canine leptospirosis cases, the disease can be evaluated and applied to future procedural warnings for owners. The disease attacks the organs within a dog and can be fatal. In the journal, Companion Animal, it reports that “Leptospires …show more content…

The journal’s report gives a broad examination of how the canine may be affected but in the article by Raghavan, he goes into further detail including that, “The risk of urban areas to dogs could be due to infected wildlife mammals visiting urban back yards for foraging and/or migratory behavior or due to dogs contracting leptospirosis from wildlife when they are out for recreation” (Raghavan 247). This information provides information relevant to an owner’s willingness to pay close attention to the dogs environment, whether they spend all day in one spot or small amounts of time in a multitude of places around the property used for ownership. The disease puts a strong offense against any dog it enters. The dogs that get vaccinations can be included in this list of susceptible dogs. The dogs that are vaccinated can be affected by a resistant strain and in this case the dog that’s vaccinated is actually at the most danger because a veterinarian may not check for it during an

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