Lennie In John Steinbeck's 'Of Mice And Men'

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Of Mice and Men Essay “Lennie! He said sharply. “Lennie for god’ sakes don’t drink so much.” (3) The first dialogue of John Steinbeck’s, Of Mice and Men, sets the tone of George and Lennie’s relationship and shows what kind of characteristics George MIlton represents. Steinbeck uses George to symbolize a compassionate, caring attitude and sacrifice. Throughout the entire book George and Lennie are inseparable. They travel together in search for jobs, since they are migrant workers. At the beginning of the book, George tells Lennie how most rancher guys like them are the loneliest guys in the world. They have no family and there is no place for them. George goes on to say “ With us it ain’t like that. We got a future. We got somebody to talk to that gives a damn about us.” “ An’ why? Because I got you to look after me, and you got me to …show more content…

He makes it a point to tell Lennie what a pain he is at times, “ God, you’re a lot of trouble.” “ I could get along so easy and so nice if I didn’t have you on my trail.” (7). It’s true, George could live so much easier and more stable if he did not have Lennie with him. Often times Lennie will get into trouble which either gets them both fired or in the case of Weed, forces them to leave town. Lennie gets himself into big trouble when he accidentally kills Curley’s wife, George knows their dream of the farm could not come true. “I think I knowed from the very first. I think I knowed we’d never do her. He usta like to hear about it so much I got to thinking maybe we would.” (94). At this point George realizes what must be done. He shows the biggest example of love and sacrifice when he decides to shoot Lennie. In doing this he knows he is saving him from the suffering and pain Curley was going to inflict on him. The painful decision was not made with Georges’ gain in mind. He did what he thought was going to be best for Lennie. George lost his closest friend, but also saved him in a

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