Legalization of Marijuana in North Carolina

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Marijuana is an illegal drug in the state of North Carolina. In some states, such as California and Delaware, medical marijuana is legal. Washington State and Colorado have legalized medical marijuana and the recreational use for adults. As a North Carolinian, I believe that we should legalize it in the state of North Carolina, whether it is for medical or recreational use. We, as North Carolina citizens, should take in consideration that legalizing marijuana has legal issues and cost for the justice system, cost for our local, state, and federal government, and positive use of medical marijuana. These issues can be addressed by the people of North Carolina to enforce a positive effect to our government instead of a negative one. There are several reasons that legalizing marijuana could have a positive effect on legal issue and on the cost to the justice system in North Carolina. Tax payers spend millions of dollars a year on supporting state and federal prisons. This is a large cost to keep prisoners up while they do their time in jail. These are tax dollars that could be going to other areas in our government system. Legalizing marijuana would help control the impact on our court system which is currently overwhelmed.Law enforcement locks up 750,000 people a year for marijuana use which cause court overload and wasting up jail space (Marijuana). Half the people in jail are not in there for the drug use they are in there for possession of marijuana (Marijuana). Those Capps 2 charges could lead to more time in jail and more cost to the government.This makesthe prison system less efficient than it already is. There are organizations that think that the legalization of marijuana would help both the economy and th... ... middle of paper ... ...tive affect that tobacco has on humans. If these farmers were given the opportunity to grow marijuana instead of tobacco this would make the North Carolina economy thrive with more jobs, and a better future for our local growers. It is how we as a society conform to these adjustments and accept the new laws that would be enforced on how much of a positive affect this will be to our state. This is why I believe these reasons need to be considered in the state of North Carolina when it comes to the debate on the legalization of marijuana. Works Cited Barbour, Scott. Should Marijuana Be Legalized? San Diego, CA: Refernce Paint, Zoll. Print Incontroversy Marijuana, Professor of Pharmocology, Oxford University Editorial, The Times, (U.K.) Aug. 6, 2001 Whitehouse. Office of National Drug Control Policy.

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