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Pros and cons to immigrants in the usa
Pros about immigrants in the united states
Pros about immigrants in the united states
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Recommended: Pros and cons to immigrants in the usa
United States is a very enormous country and so immigration becomes a huge concern for the country. People prefer to shift to United States in order to feel the liberal lifestyle, and the prosperity that America is known for. United States has millions of immigrants who are both legal and illegal. America needs to create new job opportunities and vacancies for the people moving in the nation and also the citizens of the nation. Much of the mess in the nation is caused by immigrants. The nation needs to restrict the number of immigrants in the nation. These immigrants cause issues for the government as well employment welfare dependency. More than eight million illegal and legal immigrants live in permanent house developments and also work in regular jobs. This takes job opportunities in of the American residents which puts stress in the programs to a point of break and this encouraging more and more illegal immigrants to come in United States with a future attraction of a US citizenship legally. Restriction of the immigration, United States will help the nation to reduce problems of the US citizens with employment and common welfare. A different reason for entering in the nation is that the US economy is very diverse resulting the in the nation to have various ethnic groups as contrast to one homogeneous large economy. The US nation has its own custom and culture and ways of life are varied than many of the people who immigrate to this nation. There are presently multiple ethnic groups, people of different nationalities, some smaller minority groups who also struggle for existence and their rights in the American culture making the nation change its own way of their own culture. The nation has a lot of ongoing cultural changes a... ... middle of paper ... ...of immigrants who are both legal and illegal. Works Cited Immigration Rights, (n.d) retrieved September 12, 2013 from ebsnews Medrano, L.(2013, September 26) Arizona Pushes New Illegal Immigration Fight. Retrivied September 27, 2013. From The Christian Science Monition Messerli, J, (n.d) Legal Immigration pros and cons. Retrieved November 21,2013 from should America maintain immigrants Morales N. (2013 September 11) Cons of immigration. Retrieved September 20, 2013 from Extra News Parish, N (2013 September 09) Border Protection Immigration or it is it for Security. Retrieved December 05, 2013) Rights, C. H,(2005 October 05) Rights . Retrieved December 036,2013. Leadership of Civil Rights Rose A, (2008 February ,2013) Cons of immigration , Retrieved November 08 2013 Schappacher E. (April, 17 2013) UCC immigrant advocates. Retrieved November 08,2013
Immigration has existed around the world for centuries, decades, and included hundreds of cultures. Tired of poverty, a lack of opportunities, unequal treatment, political corruption, and lacking any choice, many decided to emigrate from their country of birth to seek new opportunities and a new and better life in another country, to settle a future for their families, to work hard and earn a place in life. As the nation of the opportunities, land of the dreams, and because of its foundation of a better, more equal world for all, the United States of America has been a point of hope for many of those people. A lot of nationals around the world have ended their research for a place to call home in the United States of America. By analyzing primary sources and the secondary sources to back up the information, one could find out about what Chinese, Italians, Swedish, and Vietnamese immigrants have experienced in the United States in different time periods from 1865 to 1990.
It is true that the more people from different cultures that are in a given area, the more the cultures are diversified. However, with all realities, some claim that immigrants dilute the American culture. Indeed, they cause some changes to the culture. Nevertheless, these changes can bring a wealth of attraction and a source of beauty for the country that everyone should be proud of. It is obvious that every single immigrant in the US has his own culture and way of life. When all these are added together, they form a very rich culture. In addition, they bring various interesting aspects such as food, music, literature, etc. That makes the Americans rich in cultural knowledge. The importance of cultural diversity is that it teaches the people to understand each other’s views, interests, and ideas and helps people view the world in different ways. This would finally lead the society to work towards each other’s interest, mutual goals, and objectives. Tamar Jacoby in his article “Are Today’s Immigrants Assimilating in U.S Society, Yes,” he said that, “Those who are coming now are people who understand cultural fluidity, understand intermarriage and find that a natural, easy thing. This maintains unity and balances in the society” (411). Once this stage is reached, all the problems would be solved. Then it can be said that America has reached a true democracy, echoed by
Ewing, Walter. "The Many Facets Of Effective Immigration Reform." Society 47.2 (2010): 110-117. Academic Search Complete. Web. 4 Nov. 2013.
Nadadur, Ramanujan. “Illegal Immigration: A Positive Economic Contribution To The United Sates.” Journal Of Ethnic & Migration Studies 35.6 20090€: 1037-1052. Education Source. Web. 18 Apr. 2014.
Should Illegal Immigrants Have?. Ed. Lori Newman. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2006. Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Gale. Houston Community College. .28 Sep. 2011
Kessner, Thomas and Betty Boyd Caroli, “Today’s Immigrants, Their Stories.” Kiniry and Rose 343-346. Print.
Immigrants have always been an important part of United States’ population. Each year, there are hundreds of thousands of immigrants, from all around the world, including legal and illegal, come into the United States for job opportunities, new life, or the American Dream. “Immigrants have contributed significantly to the development of the United States. During the Lincoln administration, immigrants were actually encouraged to come to America, as they were considered valuable to the development of the country.” (Soylu & Buchanan, 2013). They believe that the US will give them more freedom, protection, and opportunities, which sometimes it becomes the major issues for immigrants. That’s why “the U.S. population is becoming more racially and
Gomez, Alan. “Illegal immigration levels off in ’10.” USA Today n.d. (02 February 2011): 02a. Academic Research Complete. Web. 25 March 2011.
Among every other country in the world, the United States of America is where people feel the most comfortable place to come and live a better life. Immigrants are people who leave their counties to reside in other counties that are rich and safe to better themselves. Every year people immigrate to the USA for many reasons. Many people are having difficulty living in their native country such as over population, jobless which make the economy so hard. People from outside of the United States think there is peace, love, equality, free education, jobs, good food to stay healthy, but most importantly freedom of speech to express yourself in America. Today, I will only focus on some reasons why people in my country immigrates to America. This is
Vaughan, Jessica M. “Aliens Who Overstay Their Visas Are a Serious Security Threat.” Opposing Viewpoints: Immigration. Eds. David M. Haugen, Susan Musser and Kacy Lovelace. Farmington Hills, MI: Greenhaven Press, 2009. 182-193. Print.
...ol.” Debates on Immigration. Ed Judith Gans, Elaine M. Repogle, and Daniel J. Tichenor. Thousand Oaks, CA SAGE Reference, 2012: 144. Gale Virtual Library. Web. 22 Apr, 2014.
Nowadays, Immigration, which is a phenomenon of migration, is very normal and popular in the world. Furthermore, in the world, many countries have the large number of people who immigrate because of many reasons likes finding suitable jobs or new place to live. Many people think that immigrants will give them many problems about the economy and society. However, other people think that immigrants bring many profits for their countries. In my opinion, I think that all things have both good and bad sides and immigration is no exception. In the other hand, I think that immigrations will give the host countries more economic benefits than limitations.
Immigration is a hot topic almost every election year. Many politicians claim that they are going to crack down on immigration, that they will make the difference. Their policies will be better, stronger and they will make sure that Mexico gets on board and does its share. Even Obama is going to make some hard decisions ”after the midterm elections” However, nothing has changed significantly in the past nine years since Ruben Navarrette Jr’s article “Blaming Mexico on Immigration”. His article discusses why Mexico is not the one to blame for the USA’s immigration woes (Navarrette).
Determined to join the American lifestyle thousands of immigrants have journeyed to this great land to have a life based upon “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” This country’s backbone is immigration and it started when this
Nadadur, Ramanujan. "Illegal Immigration: A Positive Economic Contribution to the United States." Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 35.6 (2009): 1037-052. Print.