Essential Elements Of Legal Contact Essay

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Hello everyone, today we are going to discuss what is contact? Elements of a legal contact. So let’s start we hope you will enjoy this session. What is contract? A contact is defined as ‘An agreement which is enforceable by law is called contract”. This definition points out two factors of contract first one there must be an agreement and second is the agreement must be enforceable by law. When two or more parties agrees to do or perform certain things is called agreement. So we can say that every contract is an agreement but all agreements are not contracts. For example, an agreement to marry someone is an agreement intended to create legal relationship and is therefore a contract. But an agreement to restrain someone marriage is not a contract …show more content…

These condition are called essential elements of a legal contract. Now we discuss these elements Offer and acceptance: For an agreement to be enforceable by law, there have to be a lawful by one parties and other party must accept that offer lawfully. There are some rules regarding making an offer and accepting that offer. We will discuss about these rules regarding offer and acceptance in our next post. So keep visiting. Intention to create legal relationship: A contract doesn’t exist simply because there is an agreement between parties. There must be an intention between parties that agreement shall create legal relationship. For example, an agreement to dine at a friend’s house is not an agreement intended to create legal relationship but an agreement to marry someone is an agreement intended to create legal relationship therefore it is a contract. Lawful consideration: An agreement to do something for nothing is not enforceable by law. An agreement is enforceable by law only when each parties gives something and gets …show more content…

If there is absent of genuine consent for example if the agreement is establish by fraud, mistake, misrepresentation, undue influence etc. then it will not be enforceable the law. A person guilty for coercion, undue influence cannot enforce the agreement. But other party or parties can enforce it, depends on certain rules. Legality of the object: The object for which agreement has been established have to be legal in order to make it valid contract. An agreement based on a illegal object obviously is not enforceable by law. Certainty: An important element to build a legal contract is certainty. In general rules, court will not enforce if the agreement is vague or incomplete. It must be possible to ascertain the meaning of the agreement. Possibility of performance: The agreement must be capable of being performed. A promise to do an impossible thing can not be enforced by court. For example, Alex agrees with Taylor to discover treasure by magic. Such agreements are not enforceable by law. Void agreements: An agreement made must not be have been declared to be void. Basically there are five categories of agreement which are expressly declared void. Such as (a) Agreement in restraint to

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