Learning American Sign Language

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Talking Without Words
Only a week after starting my first American sign language class, I met a deaf employee stocking shelves at the local Walmart. After attempting to orally ask him a question, he signaled his hand to his ear indicating he could not hear. I paused shorty and walked away, wishing I obtain the ability to communicate with sign language one day. American sign language, also known as ASL will always remain a beautiful form of communication. Furthermore, people should consider learning this expressive language, to communicate with others. Altogether, individuals should learn American sign language because they will gain the ability to communicate with the deaf, express themselves, and learn a new language.
Firstly, American sign language aids the average person in expressing themselves in new ways. Facial expressions and body language display feeling that words cannot explain. Applications of ASL do not only apply to communicating. For example, some people worship to sign language or even incorporate dance to it. Additionally, not only about hand gestures, American Sign Language incorporators facial expression majorly. Learning how to properly express emotions with sign language will also help clarity in everyday conversations. To sum up, sign language’s usefulness reaches …show more content…

ASL’s exciting features allow it to stand apart from other languages. Flora Lewis once said, “Learning another language is not only learning different words for the same things, but learning another way to think about things.” Sign language especially, teaches a whole new view on the world. By attempting to communicate with signs and hand gestures, people can understand a glimpse of the feelings of deaf individuals. Furthermore, an individual can live a day in deaf eyes and try to understand the culture. In brief, people can learn so much as they add this new language to their already vast

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