Leadership and Performance

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An Analysis of Denise Rousseau And David Guest’s Article
Denise Rousseau took a descriptive approach in explaining psychological contract while David Guest was more analytical about the term “psychological contract”. David gave a more detailed and in depth analysis of psychological contract. Also he was able to expand in more details Rousseau’s analysis of psychological contract.
According to Rousseau (2004), “psychological contracts are beliefs, based upon promises expressed or implied, regarding an exchange agreement between an individual and, in organizations, the employing firm and its agents”. Rousseau, went further detailing the six features of psychological contract, which includes, voluntary choice, belief in mutual agreement, incompleteness, multiple contact makers, managing losses when contract fails, contract as a model for employment relationships. She also listed types of psychological contracts and these includes, relational, transactional and hybrid or balanced psychological contract. Finally, she gave guidelines on how managers can deal with psychological contract.
On the other hand, David Guest (1998) opted for a more critical analysis of psychological contract. However, he concurs with Rousseau that psychological contract appears to provide a useful concept in dealing with organizations, but, questions the content and elements of psychological contract provided by other authors including Rousseau. Nevertheless, I am more intrigued by his skepticism in the term “contract” in psychological contract, which he coined as a legal metaphor.
In his article he states that “a contract implies mutually, an agreement or at least the outward appearance of an agr...

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