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What does being a leader mean to me
A leader is one who
What does being a leader mean to me
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Leadership is defined differently for different individuals. There many ways that people can be different in the way they think or participate. During lecture, two main concepts important to me were known as Collaborative vs. Adversarial and Locus of Control. I felt surprised of the different ways people may think and how they may decide on action. The action I could take is to acknowledge work with the acceptance of different perspectives.
The first concept important to me that I learned in lecture was the concept of collaborative and adversarial. Collaboration is when people work together while adversarial is when people are mostly focused on leading through themselves instead of others. An example of collaborative and adversarial is we vs. I. Not all people are solely just participating in only collaboration or only being adversarial, people could be more than another. The second concept significant to me that I learned in lecture was the concept of the Locus of Control. The locus of control is a position of where we control our lives. There are people who have a different locus of control.
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The concept makes me feel glad because it shows how others may have different ways of leading and different ways of thinking. Before lecture, I did know about the different ways of how people lead; however, this concept in lecture highlighted it for me and became important. Different leaders may focus on leading together with engagement, while other may lead through themselves with engagement. The concept of Locus of Control makes me feel better about how people position their control. The idea that people think differently with how they think what position is in control makes me reassured. An important part of leadership is the ability to understand others. It makes me glad to know that there are many ways to get to understand others in the form of leadership they
Leadership can be defined as the ability of a superior to influence the behavior of a minor or group and persuade them to follow a particular course of action. A leader sets a course of action and ensures that everyone follows the action. Leading can apply to leading oneself, other individuals, groups, organizations and societies. The nature of how leading is done depends on the framework of the situation, one's point of view, and on the nature and needs of those involved. While leadership is learned, the skills and knowledge processed by the leader are influenced by their traits, such as beliefs, values, ethics, and most importantly character.
In my own experience leadership is not just about one person telling others what to do; it’s about more than just giving orders. It is about getting a group of people to work together towards a common goal with more than just the goal in mind. It is also not just about setting goals for the group but also setting personal goals for the individual, guiding and supporting them all
A leadership theory is a clarification of some features of leadership; theories have practical importance as they are being used for better understanding, anticipating, and controlling successful leadership. Hence, the main principle of any theory is to inform practice(Lussier and Achua 2009). Leadership theories could be classified into eight main categories: Great man, trait, behavioral, contingency, Situational, Participative, Relationship , management (Cherry 2010).
A leader can be defined as a person who influences a group of people, organization, etc. in to achieving a set out or common goal. The aim of this paper is to identify the different approaches to leadership, but there is no single definition of leadership, as it can mean many different things to many people depending of their profession, environment and leadership style (Mielach, 2012).
The idea of what’s morally right and wrong changes within each culture whether an organizational culture or between individuals. However, the best leaders are the ones who do what’s right and best for the organization. During this research paper I will attempt to define the term leadership style and its concept. Moreover, I will attempt to describe three leadership styles, the development and the process one would follow to modify their leadership style. When pertaining to myself, I never saw myself as a leader but I will attempt to describe my leadership style and the advantages and disadvantage I would have in a business environment.
Many organizational theorists concur that existence of effective leadership is one of the important contributors to the overall organizational success. Leadership is defined as “a process of social influence by which an individual enlists the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of a task or mission" (Chemers, 1997). According to Stogdill (1957) he defined leadership as the individual behaviour to which guides a group to the achievement of a common objective. Lee and Chuang (2009) explained an excellent leader does not only inspires subordinates’ potential but enhance efficiency to meet their objective in the achievement of organizational goals. Chen (2009) collaborates with these statements by considering that leadership is as process in which various behavioural approaches are used to guide employees to a shared goal. In the process the leader influences the organization members through a series of interpersonal interactions in which they seek to inspire the organizational members towards attaining organizational goals. Fry (2003) explains leadership to be the use of a leading strategy which
The principles of leadership and management are helps to understand the management style and make the effective decision. An effective decision helps to gain the success of an organization. Lots of way to manage and collect information/question for leadership and management which are describing in the below:
The leadership is a privilege and it is such a privilege and an honor which will carry the tremendous responsibility which will inspire others to direct them to accomplish goals and vision of the organization. Leadership is about influencing the people, by producing direction, purpose and motivating in order to accomplish the mission, vision and improving the organization. The leadership philosophy is evolved based on the experiences, both positive and negative, in most of the initiatives and activities that we undertake. It is also one among the collaboration and teamwork within which the team members can utilize each other’s strengths to counter the weaknesses of the individuals. By observing, introspecting and experimenting we can developed a leadership paradigm which is inclusive, collaborative and proactive. We can develop the ability to recognize which will approach in order to reach the productive conclusion. The great leaders know their limitations and are capable at utilize their strengths and also the strengths of others to compensate.
Leadership is not defined by position. Leadership is an extraordinary responsibility given only to those willing to exude selflessness, decisiveness, and wisdom. CSM William R. Hambrick, Jr is an accomplished leader that embodies the values, attributes, and competencies that I aspire to convey to my subordinates. The impact that CSM Hambrick has had on my career and leadership philosophy is immeasurable. His far-reaching legacy is one of confidence, sound judgment, and empathy.
I like the fact that the teacher pointed out that leadership can be found everywhere. Leaders don't necessarily exist only in a company where there are a lot of people following you. “Everyone has the potential and possibility to be a leader”. They could be the best at inspiring others, or best at solving problems or dealing with criticism. By and large we all have the necessities to lead and I find, during the group discussions, that the difference and uniqueness of us that give us our own perspective to view and do things. Leadership is also about understanding and combining many different talents and to make them work together to create the best result. There are many kinds of leaders out there, and so many leadership styles. Yet I think we shouldn’t categorised ourselves into one or identify our superiors into one. Why? Because I think it is crucial to be flexible and adapt to which way to lead according to the situations For example, the Democratic style maybe the most popular and most effective, yet it is proved to be counter-productive in urgent occasions requiring instant and firm decisions from one person only, and that is the
Leadership is defined as a process by which an individual influences others to obtain goals. There are three aspects that should be addressed when explaining leadership. One aspect is that leadership is a social influence process; leadership could not exist without a leader and one or more followers. Another leadership aspect is compliance; all of the leader’s directions must be complied with voluntarily. Compliance is what separates leadership from other influence-based formal authority. Finally, leadership results in the followers’ behavior, that is purposeful and goal-directed which must be in some organized setting (Leadership Theories and Studies, 2009).
Over the course of my professional career in different organizations in the past three years, I have worked under many managers. This has been a learning curve for me to understand the different managing styles and leadership characteristics of people. One of the managers whom I worked under, was the lead in a government project which also happened to be my last project before I took a break for continuing my studies, is a person I admire till date. I learned several life lessons in addition to the technical subject associated with the industry. This paper demonstrates the leadership styles exhibited by my manager with suitable examples.
Leadership is trait that is extremely important in any society. Leadership is known as the way people attempting to make a difference in a situation. However, I believe that it is better said to be a way of influencing others actions. Leadership is usually connected to a great leader that affected his or her followers in a dynamic way. Throughout the semester for my leadership class, I have expanded the knowledge in numerous ways. I now have fully understanding of the purpose and process of leadership to a society. Being a leader one must maintain an image of being the role model. I believe that this is leader should be who is someone who has the ability to influence, encourage, listen, and nurture. They are able to inspire, stimulate, persuade, shape, and have an effect on others.
Leadership is both a research area and a practical skill, regarding the ability of an individual or organization to "lead" or guide other individuals, teams, or entire organizations. Leadersip can not definied by just one word but by action. I have seen development within myself through my volunteer service. Leadership is both a research area and a practical opportunity to share the ability gained as a individual, also through my organizations to lead or guide other individual team members who have a common goal. Volunteering in the church organizations matches my need to be of service to others. While volunteer at Fallbrook church I in return have been served I have been guided, nurtured, and challenge through the process. I have been
Many people associate leadership with a specific job title or form of power within an organization. However, through personal experience, I have concluded that leadership can come in many forms and position as well as from multiple sources of roles and job titles both with and without power. Based on the definition of leadership, anyone can be considered a leader as long as they have the ability to influence people to achieve a particular result or goal which benefits the organization or group as a whole. Individuals with a secure sense of self and understanding, acceptance of diversity within an organization tend to be the strongest leaders that not only make others want to follow, but they also encourage other leaders to gravitate to their