Law Enforcement Goals

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Since I was a child, my goal in life was to be in law enforcement, but as time passed I started having other interests. When I was in high school and took a criminology class, I decided that law enforcement was my dream and happiness. Some people that my happiness will impact are my parents and my children. My children will be impacted with my career because our time spent together as we usually do won’t be the same because I would be on call 24 hours a day and would have to work during holidays. I always tell my children that everything I do is for them and for us to have a better future. I know that there are other women who are mothers and don’t agree with my view of happiness and being away for my children, but with no sacrifice comes no …show more content…

It will be complicated because law enforcement is a career that is a male dominated field, but in this generation, women now have the opportunity to be in law enforcement. Guns are dangerous if you don’t know how to use then, but they are also your best friend when it comes to protection. Some people have a different opinion on why they want to pursue a career in law enforcement as for me, I am pursuing a career in law enforcement because I want to help my community and those people who are incapable of protecting themselves. On my path to law enforcement, I know that I will encounter suffering in my path, I know that with suffering comes a great reward. Even though there have been many issues with law enforcement officers using deadly or excessive force we need to place ourselves in an officer’s place when your life or someone else’s life is in danger. Police officers have a dangerous job because they place their life in danger in the line of duty for protecting others. My happiness impacts my parents and my children in a bad way, but they understand that law enforcement is my dream job and they will support me in my happiness even if law enforcement was not the path they would want me

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