Latino beyond Reel Documentary Film Analysis

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Latino beyond Reel
Latinos beyond Reel documentary film presented how US news and entertainment media portray Latinos. Latino American is an ethnic minority group of whom origin was from Latin America or Iberian Peninsula. Latino American is the fastest growing population in the United States. However, media has had negative effects for the Latino community. News media and entertainment had strongly influenced the perception of non-Latino about Latinos. These media portrayal of Latinos had implications for real world perceptions of Latinos.
Media shape the perception of our society and have a different of framing in choosing the story for our society. Media framing had effect on how the stereotype perception of Latino in the reality. The information had differentially distributed and affects the non-Latino in how information being processed. Society will most likely to believe that Latinos reflect the images, characters, and stories exposed in news and entertainment media.
As showed in the film, Latino American often misrepresented and underrepresented both in front of and under the camera. American Hispanic often portrayed as lazy, unintelligent, greasy and criminal. Hispanic women often pictured comfortable sexuality as prostitution in film production; while Hispanic actors limit to criminal characters such as drug dealers, gangster, and provide the power for the white American. Audiences have less interaction with Latino in their real world might be easily framed by media images regarding the race and ethnicity. The lack of Hispanic history and culture understanding allows these media portrayals to change and form unfavorable behavior and attitude against Latino communities.
Latin lovers, banditos, and gangbangers are the negative roles that have been filmed in Hollywood production have diminished over a long period. Bandito is dirty with unshaven face and they are dishonest, irrational and emotional to violence. Media had portrayed racist imagery on Banditos featured inability in English speaking and their accents is a racial marker.
White Latino labeled to someone who is white with Latin American or heritage; while in contrast, dark Latino appears to have darker skins. Darker Hispanic does not get much opportunity as the white Latino.

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