With the development of the technology of laser enabled the experiments using laser pulse with a high intensity of the order 〖10〗^22 W/〖cm〗^2. So now it brings the possibility of study the parameters of plasma as well as the atoms. The study related to the laser-plasma interaction involves the self-focusing, which is a very important factor to consider. Because the intensity of such a huge order came from it and high power laser and its applications, harmonic generation, X-ray generation, various laser plasma accelerator are depend upon it. Laser will not diverge up to the Rayleigh length, after this range the beam expands due to the natural diffraction. So laser need a channel for guiding the beam and prevent the diffraction. All phenomena like harmonic generation, relativistic self focusing can be studied in the relativistic nonlinear optical effect.
Propagation of laser beam in plasma
When a laser pulse interacts with plasma, the free electrons and ions that are inside the plasma will respond to, a very small scale deviation of their orientation and will be displaced slightly in an electromagnetic wave of frequency . Subsequently to a distortion of the charge neutrality, the particles which are in plasma tend to oscillate with a frequency known as electron plasma frequency. The resonance frequency of the resulting oscillations is known as the plasma frequency . Depending on their mass , charge and density .
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Where is the electron plasma frequency, is the ion plasma frequency. Plasma is considered as an electron clouds having the background of heavy ion and collisions are nearly neglected according to the drude model. That’s why dielectric constant of electron can be ...
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...ration of proton is not possible with available laser intensity. Because of its heavy mass, acceleration up to MeV need more laser intensity to overcome relativistic threshold. Energetic ions observed in the laser-solid interaction have been accelerated not directly by the laser fields but by the plasma fields which are formed by the laser heated electrons formed from solid or gas. However, these plasma electrons can inter-mediate the forces of laser fields on ions by generating strong quasi-static electric fields which arises from the charge separation due to the laser propagation. To accelerate the ion or proton need strong enough static electric field which can be explained best in two scenarios. These scenarios are
I. Radiation Pressure Acceleration ( RPA ) ii. Target Normal Sheath Acceleration ( TNSA ).
When a gas is heated to immensely high temperatures, its atoms and molecules split. Electrons break away from their nuclei and flow freely. As these particles collide, they release great amounts of energy. It’s this energy that makes plasma cutting work.
When the fully constructed lightsaber is activated, the internal power cell generates photo-electric energy by which the plasma blade is focused through the crystal. a non-thermal beam of plasma is packed tightly and focused through anywhere from 1 to 3 crystals with multiple facets. The formed beam is positively charged and is attracted back to the emitting hilt by way of negatively-charged high energy flux apertures. A power cell superconductor is then used to recycle individually emitted plasma packets into one long beam which continues to self regenerate during the time duration over which the lightsaber remains activated. The blade is tangible and because both blades on two dueling sabers are positively charged, the blades are capable of repelling one another.
a) The excitation of electrons of both metal ion and ligand is influenced by their interactions.
Ionizing radiation is any type of particle or electromagnetic wave that carries enough energy to ionize or remove electrons from an atom. There are two types of electromagnetic waves that can ionize atoms: X-rays and gamma-rays. X-rays and gamma rays are both types of high energy, high frequency electromagnetic radiation that have no charge or mass (weight) propagating as a bundle of energy known as photons. Both X-rays and gamma rays have the same properties and health effects.
momentum transfer when air molecules collide. Our ‘subjective impression’ about the frequency of a sound is called pitch. High pitch has high vibration frequency, while low pitch has a low vibration frequency. A pure musical tone consists of a single pitch or frequency. However, most musical tones are “complex summations” of various pure frequencies - one characteristic frequency, called the fundamental, and a series of overtones or harmonics Younger people can usually hear pitches with frequencies from about 20 hertz (infrasonic) to 20,000 (ultrasonic) hertz. We can’t hear above 20,000 hertz or below 20 hertz (ultra and infrasonic waves).
Electromagnetism is creating a revolution aboard U.S. Navy ships. First the navy unveiled its first gun that utilizes this energy to accelerate projectiles earlier this year. By using electromagnetic energy, the project can be accelerated to higher speeds than a bullet in a conventional gun. It can also fire such projectiles over an impressive 100 nautical miles. Such weaponry marks the first true advancement in the actual method used to accelerate project weapons since the earliest form of primitive muskets. Certainly the speed of fire and loading of guns increased incredibly over the past century and more, but they always relied on a chemical explosion to accelerate the projectile down the barrel.
Davisson and Germer found that by varying the applied voltage to the electron gun, the maximum intensity of electrons diffracted by the atomic surface was found at different angles. The highest intensity was found to be at an angle θ = 50° with a voltage of 54 V, giving the electrons a kinetic energy of 54 eV.
Although some applications of the rail gun are still only theoretical they have shown to be quite promising and should be used in the coming
For nuclear fusion to occur, nuclei must have very high kinetic energies that will exceed the electrostatic repulsion between the nuclei. The extremely high temperature of the sun causes electrons to be stripped o...
Coherent Scattering is the idea of secondary radiation being released with no ionization of matter because of this is it also known as “unmodified scattering” (Curry III, 1990, p. 61). Coherent Scattering is the process of a low energy radiation as a photon exciting an electron and changing direction giving off low energy scatter radiation with the same wavelength, frequency and energy (Dufresne, personal communication, February 5, 2018). Coherent scattering has two different types Rayleigh scattering the effect of all electrons in an atom and Thomson scattering the effect of only one electron in an atom also known as classical scattering (Bushong, 2008, p. 163). Grenz radiation is soft radiation or a type of low energy radiation that is said
American Institute of Physics. Vol. 1051 Issue 1 (2008). Academic Search Premier.> 224.
As you can see lasers are a very useful and important tool which is why I have
Schultz, James. "Force Fields and 'Plasma' Shields Get Closer to Reality." Technology 25 July 2000: 20 pars. Web. 25 Oct. 2010. .
The upper part of atmosphere above 50 km is of importance to mankind. It acts as a shield to extreme ultraviolet and x-radiations harmful to human life. It also plays an important role in communication and navigation. The regions of atmosphere are defined in terms of ionization, temperature and composition. In terms of ionization, the region extending from 50 to 1000 km above the earth surface is called ionosphere. It consists of weakly ionized gas containing a large number of neutral molecules and relatively smaller number of electrons and ions. The main source of ionization are rays emitted from the sun, which results in formation of overlapping layers namely D, E, F1 and F2. In each layer, the ionization density peaks at a certain altitude and decreases above and below it. The D region has lowest ionization density and is available only during daytime. The ionization density has a peak value around 90 km. It is an absorbing region for radiowaves. The E region is known as the current bearing region. It lies in the range of around 90-125 km. The peak density in this layer is at about 120 km. It contains both the normal E and sporadic E layer. The electron density in E region starts decreasing with sunset and achieves an equilibrium value at night. The F region lies in the range of 125-600 km. It is divided into two layers, namely, F1 and F2 during daytime which merges to form a single layer during night. The F1 region has a peak density at around 200 km. It disappears after sunset. The F2 region has a peak density at about 300 km in day and the region extends to higher altitudes at night. After sunset, the electron density increases near the peak of the F-layer. The density attains an equilibrium value dur...