Language and Education

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Benjamin Whorf once stated, “Language shapes thoughts and emotions, determining one’s perception of reality” (Kilgour). This statement could not be more exact. Language is one of the main factors determining how we feel, how we see the world, and how we learn. Without language there would be no education. It is the most effective form of communication in a society and it is responsible for informing, teaching, and persuading. The action of creating thoughts, memories, opinions, and feelings is entirely based on the use of language. George Orwell, the author of the story “Animal Farm”, focuses on the use of language in relationship to education and political control. Readers are brought through the beginning stages and collapse of a revolution. George Orwell emphasizes the use of language in education and in the process of a revolution. Language plays a large role in the beginning stages of the revolution, but plays a large role in the fall as well. This essay will examine the general importance of language in education and revolution, the relationship between language and learning how to think, and also the relationship between language and learning what to think, both of which create the growth and fall of revolution as George Orwell shows in this story.

Language is a vital tool in education. Whether the goal is to inform or persuade, language is the key factor in order to do so. In regards to a revolution, it begins with education. The subjects creating the revolution must be educated and informed in the realities of their surroundings. The subjects must be able to create opinions and create a view of their current world. With this common displease in their current world, common unimpressed opinions and passion for change, a r...

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...the education be for the good of teaching and learning how to think, analyze, participate and question, or if the education is for the worse of manipulation, control and power, language is the key tool. Without language, there would be no learning, growing or educating. Language shapes our thoughts, our cultures, our histories and who we are as individuals. Without language, there would be no ties holding societies together and as George Orwell has shown in the story “Animal Farm”, without language society will fall apart.


Ibhawaegbele, F.O., and G.I. Omo-ojugo. "Language of Politics in George Orwell's Animal Farm." (2007): n. pag. Web. 23 Mar 2011.

Kilgour, D. "The Importance of Language." David Kilgour. N.p., 3/10/2011. Web. 23 Mar 2011. .

Orwell, G. Animal Farm. New York, NY: Penguin Books, 2008. Print.

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