Lamb To The Slaughter Marry Mary Maloney

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How does Dahl intend us to view Mary Maloney in ‘Lamb to the Slaughter’?

In some stories, it is hard to figure out the true personality of a character. This is the case in ‘Lamb to the Slaughter’, a short story by Roald Dahl published in September 1953. The confusing protagonist is Mary Maloney, a pregnant woman who murdered her husband, Patrick. Throughout the story, Dahl presents her in multiple conflicting views, causing the reader to be unsure what to think of her.

One view of Mary Maloney that Dahl presents is that she is a doting housewife. He gives details to show that she is a woman who is so selfless that she does chores for her husband even though she is six months pregnant. One way Dahl presents this view is by going …show more content…

One way this is presented is by Dahl only referring to her husband as “her husband” or “he” for most of the story. For example, “Mary Maloney was waiting for her husband to come home from work.” This shows that Mary is waiting for her husband, rather than Patrick Maloney, meaning Mary values him as her husband rather than as himself. If Dahl had referred to him as Patrick Maloney, it would seem like it was him that she was waiting for because she loved him, rather than her husband because she loves the idea of having a husband. Another piece of evidence that shows that Mary loves the idea of having a husband rather than Patrick is that when Dahl describes what she loves about him, everything is related to him being a man. For example, she “loved to luxuriate in the presence of this man”. This shows that she loves the idea of a man being in the house. She could love this idea so much because it creates routine. For example, she knew Patrick would arrive home at approximately ten minutes to five, as he does every day. If Dahl had instead described things Mary loved about Patrick’s personality, it would have seemed like she loved him rather than just loving having a husband in

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