Lady Macbeth Is To Blame

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Throughout Macbeth the reader is conflicted as to who the real villain in the play is; some say it would be Macbeth himself, others say it would be his wife and still others would say that it would be the witches who were at fault for the downfall for the hero that was Macbeth. I, however, believe that had it not been Lady Macbeth pushing Macbeth Macbeths snowball into tyranny and evil would have never started, his downfall would never had begun. Although Macbeths actions can not be excused and all the blame can not be put on the head of Lady Macbeth, she did have a role in bringing about the downfall of Macbeth and her influnece on Macbeth is undeniable, indeed she may have not killed Duncan but had she not pressured Macbeth into murdering Duncan Macbeth, as we can see in the play, had resolved not to go through with murder as can be seen when Macbeth says: "So clear in his great office, that his virtues Will plead like angels trumpet-tongued against The deep damnation of his taking-off;" [ACT 1 SCENE 7, page 16]
As can be seen Macbeth views Duncan as too good to kill and even before the aforementioned quote Macbeth comes up with multifarious reason as to why Macbeth should not kill Duncan, Lady Macbeth does …show more content…

As soon as Lady Macbeth heard about the prophecies she starts plotting believing that Macbeth was "too full o' the milk of human kindness" [ACT 1 SCENE 5, Page 11]. Before she even has a chance to confer with Macbeth she is overcome with greed and sells her soul to the devil just to rid herself of any femeninity and to fill her with

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