Lactose Intolerance Affecting Students

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Lactose Intolerance Affecting Students

75% of the world’s population is lactose intolerant, 25% of which live in America, so why is it the American school system looks at all students the same when providing lunch? Lactose intolerance is when one’s body cannot properly digest foods containing lactose because of their body’s lack of lactase, which is what helps other people digest dairy. No two people with lactose intolerance are the same. Some can handle eating certain dairy products better than others, and some have different symptoms than others. Just because there is a wide range when it comes to lactose intolerance, doesn’t mean it should be overlooked, especially when it comes to kids. By forcing students to take milk, schools are not only endangering the student’s health, but possibly losing money as well.
In the American school system, most elementary schools require students to take either Skim milk, Two-Percent milk, or Chocolate milk, and expect children to drink that milk before being excused from the lunchroom. “Not surprisingly, American kids, whether pressed for time or just grossed out, leave much of their meals …show more content…

For the sake of future and current lactose intolerant students in America-I for one hope there will be some changes made. For example schools could provide milk alternatives so kids can get the nutrients without the aftereffects, or give them easier access to their laxatives for whenever they’re in any pain. So what’s next, school board? Changing lunch menus to be lactose-free? Getting rid of milk altogether, and replacing it with water? Or will you let everything stay the same for ten more years just because of money? You will have to make some changes to see some changes. So what’ll it

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