LA argument essay

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Many teenagers are interested in getting a credit card, its a sign of maturity and responsibility. Numerous parents, on the other hand, do not think their teens would be able to handle that responsibility and that they need to learn money management skills. Being a teen is a hard age, they want to feel like an adult, and a credit card is a good back up for them if they don’t have cash,and a wonderful learning experience.

Some teens believe that having a credit card is not only a sign of trust and maturity, but that it can help them control their spending later in life. So,when they do get a credit card of their own, they have already had the experience and know how to limit themselves. A parent, who is not sure if their teen is ready for a credit card could oppose this with the fact that credit cards aren’t always dependable and you still pay the balance, even if you go over it, and that they can have debt if they go over their balance. Although this statement is true,according to a poll of teenagers; “82% of teen credit card users say they paid their bills in full every month and only 11% of teenagers carry these cards.”Which shows that a majority of teens are reliable and can control their spending.

A credit card can help a teenager understand the benefits of using them. It also shows the importance of saving their money and being responsible and help them comprehend other financial things they will need to understand in the future like auto loans and college financing. A parent, may think their teen is not yet reached the maturity level, and that credit cards are easy to manipulate and are better to use for emergencies. Parents may also think they need to have good money management habits. A parent can help their teen buil...

... middle of paper ... it, when monthly bill comes.

Although some parents aren’t comfortable with their teen having a credit card, it is a superb learning experience. If they don’t ever learn how to use one correctly, they could get one as an adult and get very bad debt, since they never learnt how to use a card with control. A card does have disadvantages like not being able to control spending, debt, and going over balance. But, those disadvantages can be erased with the correct management skills. The argument between teens and parents may go on forever, but despite the parents beliefs, having a card does have its perks.

Works Cited

"Advantages of Credit Cards." N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Mar. 2014
"Many Teens Carrying Credit and Debit Cards." N.p., 14 Apr. 2005. Web. 10 Mar. 2014.
Weston, Liz. "Credit Card Smarts." MSNMoney. N.p., 25 Aug. 2012. Web. 10 Mar. 2014.

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