Kramer Seinfeld

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Seinfeld: Critical Analysis “YOU’RE A RABID ANTI-DENTITE!” exclaims Kramer in the episode of “Seinfeld” I chose for critical analysis. This episode begins with George, George’s girlfriend, and Jerry in the familiar restaurant setting when after George’s girlfriend leaves, the neighborhood dentist, Tim Whatley, enters. After greetings and introductions are made Whatley confesses to the two of them that he had just recently converted from Catholicism to Judaism, and then proceeds to make a joke about doing a “Jewish workout” in the sauna at the gym that day and casually walks away. Meanwhile, George and Jerry, both taken aback by the joke, exchange confused and uncomfortable glances. Jerry is angered by this more so than George because he is
The quote I added in the beginning of this analysis is the perfect example of how ridiculous people can be when it comes to racism. This scene opens with Jerry walking into his apartment to find Kramer unsurprisingly already in his home. Jerry explains to Kramer how frustrated he is with Whatley because Whatley had caught wind of his anti-dentist joke, and Jerry goes so far as to say “Those people… They can be so touchy.” At this point Kramer begins to lecture Jerry about how he needs to be more considerate towards the dentist population and proceeds to call him racist against dentists. However, if you were to count how many midget jokes Kramer makes in the episode, then you would understand how irrelevant Kramer’s comments to Jerry are. People in real life ate the midget jokes right up, but when a black or Jewish joke was made, they were more aware of how offensive those jokes could be to people. If you’ve ever seen this episode then you certainly know how many terrible black and Jewish jokes are shared amongst the characters. If you were to go through and count how many jokes were about blacks, Jews, or Catholics there would be around 5, and these certainly stood out. But now if you went through and looked at how many midget jokes are made, there were the same amount of midget jokes made as black, Jewish, or Catholic jokes. Kramer being too offended by Jerry’s jokes, and calling Jerry a racist against dentists but not seeing his own offensive jokes about midgets is imitating real life people, showing that everybody is too thin skinned and everybody needs to know what really is offensive and not to see racism where it doesn’t exist. This being said if “anti-dentism” really existed. How would people know when jokes were being made, or when people were seriously racist against dentists and secretly wanting them to be thrown in concentration camps? That is the point the “Seinfeld” writers are trying to make with

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