Kohler And Gestalt Psychology

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Psychology is a very vast area. It’s the study of the human behaviour and mental processes that is used to explain why one behaves, feel and think a certain way. There are many schools of thoughts that are developed by various theorists to explain human behaviours from different perspectives and understandings. One of it would be known as Gestalt psychology. This are in psychology involves principles that to tend describe how people tend to organize their visual perception into groups and view it as a whole. There are a few contributors in this area and one of it is Wolfgang Kohler, a German educated American Psychologist. He was born in Estonia in the year of 1887 to parents who were off German descendants. According to an article that was written about him, his world was around only educators. His family members consist of a school master, educators and scholars (Kohler: In the beginning,” n.d.). Growing up, he not only was into the field of Science but music and outdoor activities as well (“Kohler: In the beginning,” n.d.). He attended universities in Tubingen, Bonn and Berlin. He earned his PhD in Berlin where he did his desertion on psycho-acoustics under Karl Stumpf (“Wolfgang Köhler,” n.d.; Zawidzki, 2004).
Kohler married in his twenties and was a father of four. Few details exist on their marriage but later events suggest that all was not well (Schultz & Schultz, 2004). After earning his doctorate, he worked in a Psychological institute in Frankfurt (1910-1913) with Max Wertheimer and Kurt Koffka. This was the start of the Gestalt psychology (“Wolfgang Köhler,” n.d.; Zawidzki, 2004). Because Gestalt psychology was the study of perception, he pursued his ideas through the research with animals, sp...

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...elligence and problem solving skills. He rejected any differences in insight between animals and homosapiens. However, Edward Thorndike criticised his conclusion and stated that animals learn through the process of trial and error which in this case would be through rewards and punishment (Hothersall, 1995).
As a conclusion, many of the psychologist and theorist that contribute to the development of Psychology do leave a significant impact behind which will be carried forward to in the future in any school of thought. This discipline can be used to measure and describe why we perceive such things in a way which can be explained by the concept of perceptual organization. Gestalt psychologists believed that one’s behaviours and perceptions is shaped by the past phenomena’s or antecedents that one has previously encountered at some point in his or her life.

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