Koenigsegg Research Paper

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The man behind a world-famous supercar name - Christian Von Koenigsegg meets with a well-known TV face - Jay Leno in Laurens, South Carolina. There was only ONE reason for their meeting (see what I did there?). They met to try out this masterpiece: Koenigsegg ONE:1, a limited production megacar; only 7 were made (including one prototype). With this megacar, Koenigsegg achieved something that many supercar manufacturers can only dream off: a 1:1 power-to-weight ratio! Jay Leno says that with this power-to-weigh ratio ONE:1 feels like a go-kart on a track and when you hit the throttle it goes like a lunatic. The custom-made Michelin Cup Tires desperately stick to the surface as the powerful, redesigned 5.0-liter V8 pushes the car to its limits.

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