Odysseus: The Reluctant Hero of the Trojan War

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King Odysseus is at home, in Ithaca with his wife Penelope and his newborn son Telemachus. He is having a good life with his family and the population of greece. But then..
Odysseus is called to fight in the Trojan War by king Menelaus. Menelaus is the king of Sparta. The Trojan war was the war between the greeks and the Trojans.
Odysseus does not want to leave his family because he knew it was going to be a long trip and he may die. Odysseus pretended to go mad but Palamedes forced him to go and promised him that if he doesn't go then he will kill his newborn son Telemachus. Palamedes is a king in Greece.
Athena, the goddess of Wisdom helps Odysseus throughout the war even though she was told to not be by Zeus. Athena is his guide throughout …show more content…

A huge storm hits them. Odysseus nearly died because their ship sank and before that a big piece of wood hit his head and he got knocked out. He nearly sank but then Athena saved him by giving him a ship. Every other warrior died and he was the only one left.
Odysseus passed many tests throughout his journey back home. The Cyclopes, the Charybdis, Poseidon and Circe. The Cyclopes was drinking all their vine and he tried to eat all of them one by one. They beat him by making him go asleep which let them run away. Charybdis was the three headed dragon who wanted to kill all of them. Poseidon was his biggest enemy and he was the one producing all the tests for him. Circe made them drink poisonous wine which made his warriors transform into pigs. Athena gave Odysseus a special drink which would stop the transformation.
When Odysseus was nearly at home his crew opened a bag which the god of wind gave to Odysseus. When she opened the bag, a huge wind blew them far away from Ithaca. He could even see Ithaca from his ship.
Odysseus is in the underworld. He needed some help. He was looking for a blind prophet Tiresias so he could guide him home. He was a long far away from Ithaca, so he needed a guide who could have led him

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