King David Reflection

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King David is one of the most well known and remembered kings that Israel ever had. He is known for his trust in God as well as the grave mistakes he made as God’s servant. David wrote many of the Psalms and displayed a heart that truly sought after God. The story of David reveals God’s mercy as well as His justice, it gives understanding to a relationship with God.
Saul was originally chosen by God to rule as the king of Israel. He was a tall, strong, mighty man who stood a head taller than other people, he exemplified the kind of man people would want to rule as king. Samuel often told Saul what God wanted him to do concerning the leading of the Israel nation, Saul was given specific orders to destroy the Amalekites, an order that Saul did not completely fulfill. As a result, Saul lost favor with God and would eventually lose his place as king. God called Samuel to anoint a new man to be king and brought him to the house of Jesse to choose one of his sons. Jesse presented all of his sons to Saul, beginning with the strongest and greatest. God did not choose any of the strong and great sons that Jesse brought to Samuel, instead God called the son who was out shepherding the sheep, a young, small good-looking kid. David was not, especially for the time, what anyone would consider a person fit to be king. The words God gave Samuel concerning his initial thought about who should be king is a great lesson about what is important to God: “the Lord looks at the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7. As humans it is easy to look at a person and have one type of prejudice or another, yet God sees far more than man can see, even about themselves and David’s faith was very evident to God. God called David into a position of kingship because o...

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...n separates Him from God, His blessing and protection. God’s forgiveness is not like that of man, like His love, it is unconditional. John said that “if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9, ESV). All man needs to be forgiven is to truly repent, just as David did when he recognized his sin with Bathsheba. David’s laments in Psalms show a heart of true repentances, a man who realized how undeserving he was of all that God had done for him. Luke wrote in Acts that David was a man after God’s own heart (Acts 13:22, ESV), he loved God with every part of his being. When a person recognizes their own inadequacies, they can then realize how holy they need to be dependant on God. Only God can write the wrongs in a person’s life, only He can create a clean heart (Psalms 51:10, ESV).

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