Kim Jong-Un Facts

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From an early age we learned the facts about our country. We learned about our glorious nation, the best in the world. We learned about our enemies, the South Koreans, the Japanese, and the Americans. And we learned about our dear leader, Kim Jong-Un. We were taught that Kim Jong-Un and his family were deities among men, meant to be unconditionally honored and respected. But how can we respect a man who lets his people suffer through appalling conditions?
It’s hard to walk through a neighborhood without seeing clear signs of malnutrition among its occupants. 70 percent of our people are considered ‘food insecure,’ which means that 70 percent of people in our great country don’t know where their next meal is coming from. (Flood). But as we view our dear leader and his associates, we can obviously see they are not food insecure. Kim Jong-Un lives a life of luxury while we work 30 meters under ground for sixteen hours a day in suffocating coal mines with …show more content…

Our country is not the greatest. In fact, it’s one of the worst. South Korea's nights are filled with shining lights, while ours are drowned in darkness. In America, people are able to express their opinions without fear of death. But when I was a child, my mother told me not to whisper, because even the birds and mice could hear me (Park). Here in North Korea, we live in fear, but we don’t have to be afraid anymore. We are fighting the South Koreans and the Americans, but why? They just want us to experience the same freedoms they have. The South Koreans, the Japanese, the Americans, they are not our enemies. They are Kim Jong-Un’s enemies. If we rise up, we can start a new government, one that cares for the people. Not someone who lets us starve on the streets. We can work towards a better tomorrow, not only for us but for our children, and our children's children. We will create a world where we do not have to live in fear of our dear

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