Karl Marx's Perspective On Crime And The Criminal Justice System

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“The oppressed are allowed once every few years to decide which particular representatives of the oppressing class are to represent them.”
While Marx did not delve deeply into crime and criminal activity, he argued that laws were put in place by the upper classes of society to serve their needs, most important being the suppression of other classes. His influence has been prodigious where governments, including the Chinese and the Soviet Union, and a movement that call themselves Marxists who at some point were more than the number of Christians in the world (Rader, 1979). This illustrates his conventional yet controversial way of thinking that has reverberated across societies and institutions. The opening statement that was made by Karl Marx will be resonated throughout this analysis into the Marxist theories, giving an in-depth scrutiny of the history and background of this theory, highlighting the critics of the theory and providing an example of the theory. The theory’s validity in the modern world and if it can be sustained given the changes on his depiction of society and the society as it exists today.
History of the Marxist theory
Marxism is a theory of revolution and a rudimentary account of how societies deal with and go through change that is inevitable. Its roots can be traced back
Marxists argue the laws are formulated by the ruling class and, therefore, tend to represent the interest of said class. This is exemplified by criminals from humble backgrounds tend to receive harsher treatment in terms of sentencing. Marxists focus on white collar or corporate crime in preference to blue collar crime, arguing that crimes committed by the ruling class have greater impact in the economy than crimes by ‘normal’ people. This background will lean towards white collar crime and corporate

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