Karl Marx Essay

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Introduction Karl Marx was a great social prophet and contributed to philosophical thought. A socialist theoretician and organizer, a major figure in the history of economic studies (Cohen, 2000:10). In the nineteenth century he had a great impact on the events of the twentieth century until today, he was a writer, thinker and activist (Gunasekara, 2011). Karl Marx and Friederich Engels wrote the communist manifest 150 years ago , where they looked at basic theoretical positions that where developed by Marx .Analysis of societal problems by examining production processes. That all humans had to be concern with production and distribution as means of life (Thomas, 1998).Marx was also the greatest theorist of industrial revolution during the early phase of capitalism (Heyns and Coletto, 2014:78). Marxis concept of man Marx’s theory looked upon man as social being, that cannot move away from bieng with others or cannot live isolated from others. The changes in society continues to alternate with human nature to adapt to things such as needs, wants, norms and values. Which is acceptable in the mordern society (Gunasekara, 2011). Social evolution According Elwel (n.d) the struggle of society was of moving balance of antithetical forces to create social change. It was based on evolutionary point of departure, rather than peaceful growth (para 4). Forces of production He believed that production of economic good are the basis of social order in every society, what is produced, how and who its exchanged to (Elwel,n.d).Production as the first premise of all human existence where man must be in a position to live it’s called Marx and Engel the Materialist concept of history (Thomas, 1998.para4).What is produced is exchanged to determin... ... middle of paper ... ...equal treatment and through alienation. People would eventually feel as being useless. Through division of labour, people can also divide themselves, while others have more power others do not have. This eventually results in people not having control in the work they perform, making them unable to make proper decisions about life and how their can influence the economy. Conclusion Human sociecty is the most diverse society as compared to animals. This assignment fully covered the overall aspects of human development and how it differs from animal society. As mankind attempts to develop, it expliotes nature, in a sense that humans overuse resources to build life and prolong existence. If all access to resource was throughly limited and monitored, the attempt to divide power amongst people, would have been limited and most people’s interests would be served equally.

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