Kant On Lying

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There are roughly 7.125 billion people in this world. On average, one person tells at least 200 lies a day...around three lies per minute. Not all lies that are told are life threatening. Most lies are harmless white lies like “I’m so sorry” or “I like your haircut.” No matter what lie you are telling, it is still a lie. You are hurting yourself, and someone else. By the time you get old, just imagine how many people you would have hurt... as well as yourself, just because of a lie. I believe that being lied to is one of the most harmful things that could ever be put on someone. Lying is never justified because it will never fail to catch up to you.

In my opinion, lying is not okay because it is by far, the main thing to start rumors… also known as drama. Every time you lie, someone passes it on and it eventually starts something bigger than you had planned. Immanuel Kant states in his article,”...it harms the liar himself…” Kant believes that lying will harm yourself. Soon enough it will catch up to you and you will have to meet the consequences. Lying is like a chain reaction. What happens when everyone gets caught? Most people can agree that drama isn’t fun… especially when it is caused by lying. …show more content…

Part of being a good friend, and person in general is being trustworthy, and lying is what ruins that. Think about it like this. You most likely have somebody in your life that you trust, right? Think of that person and imagine how you would feel if they lied to you. Not good, huh? In the article, “Honestly tell the Truth,” the author says,”...You’ll end up losing people..” Breaking someone's trust us practically breaking your relationship/friendship. Telling lies will cause people to leave your life. If you don’t lie, you don’t lose

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