Juxtaposition In Chiped Beef

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Families can be insane, but they can also be loving and comforting. Even if a family is harsh and realistic, it will shape personalities. Each person gets one family and has to make the best of it, no matter how it affects them. David Sedaris is a typical person whose family strongly affected his personality. In the first chapter of his book Chipped Beef, he most importantly demonstrates the stark differences between his mom and himself, while also hiding his insecurities and inflating his fantasies, ultimately highlighting his dysfunctional family dynamic. Juxtaposition, satire, and dramatization are the key devices that aid Sedaris in achieving his goal of describing how his family life affected him. The main relationship in this story is Sedaris’s dreams are over dramatic and not plausible. He uses these as an escape from the reality of his own flawed life. One example of his ridiculous fantasies is when he is “thinking of asking the servants to wax my change before placing it in the Chinese tank I keep on my dresser. It's important to have clean money--not new, but well maintained.” Obviously his reality doesn’t include servants or probably a lot of spare change, considering the size of the family. His obsession of material possessions led to unmet dreams and his mother’s inability to provide enough for Sedaris. Another terrible and unrealistic fantasy is “When my sisters were taken, my father crumpled the ransom note and tossed it into the eternal flame that burns beside the mummified Pilgrim we keep in the dining hall of our summer home in Olfactory. We don't negotiate with criminals, because it's not in our character. Every now and then we think about my sisters and hope they're doing well, but we don't dwell upon the matter, as that only allows the kidnappers to win. My sisters are gone for the time being but, who knows, maybe they'll return someday, perhaps when they're older and have families of their own.” This is obviously a plea to have less siblings. He longs to be an only child and receive the entirety of his parent’s attention, but he still slightly cares about his sister's wellbeing. He hopes they have will be happy and have families This dynamic is exhibited through depicting the blunt differences between his mom and himself, while also cloaking his insecurities and exaggerating his fantasies. Families, weather good or bad will always shape personalities and that is why each person is unique. Everyone has a different family dynamic and various experiences throughout life, but this is what makes each person exceptional in their own

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