Justice In Lord Of The Flies Essay

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Which is better- order and civilization, or discord and complete anarchy? This book is about a group of adolescent British boys, ages six to twelve, who are marooned on a deserted island during World War II. With no adults around to tell them how to do things, they are left to create their own mini society. The main character, Ralph, is nominated to be chief. He is in charge of the fire and building shelters. The other main character, Jack, the head choir boy names his boys the hunters of the group. They hunt for pigs. An acrimonious conflict evolves between Ralph and Jack as they both want to be in command. Jack’s “hunters” have become savage and aboriginal, under his control, while Ralph is suffering to keep his group humane. The growing bitterness between the two boys leads to a gruesome and shocking outcome. In the story Lord of the Flies by William Golding the government that is authorized on the island crumbles because of a lack of ideals, …show more content…

Justice is the last important ideal because it is the act of keeping good and executing bad or evil. Justice is crucial for having a safe society. The boys on the island want to have justice but they cannot keep it in control. Like when Ralph suggests rules to keep the group in order, Jack becomes elated to set the rules right away. But they never get a chance to set the rules. “The world, that understandable and lawful world, was slipping away” (Golding 91). In other words, the author is saying that the easy world the boys knew is slithering away because of their loss of innocence and maybe a loss of justice. In the story, the boys struggle to keep the rules under control and to maintain justice. People have “...ideas of fairness and justice may be instinctual in nature” (Knauerhaze What Does Justice Mean To You?). In other words, the author is trying to tell the reader that everyone has a natural instinct to deliver justice to evil and keep things fair between

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