Justice And Injustice In The Warden By Anthony Trollope

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Anthony Trollope’s “The Warden” is a classic piece of literature which depicts a very popular and interesting theme: “justice” and “injustice” aren’t always necessarily separate things. The preconceived notions of these two ideas that we have as individuals, do not present a clear and transparent definition of “justice” and “injustice”, as our own subjective beliefs have the potential to influence our opinion more than the truth itself. On top of this, actions taken in the name of justice don’t always result in the same. These ideas are very evident in Anthony Trollope’s “The Warden”, a story about a reverend who is accused of one of the most atrocious injustices; one he does not even consciously realize he is committing. The warden of Hiram’s …show more content…

Harding’s conscience bothers him, and he is reassured by the bishop that the arrangements are rightful and moral. At the same time, Bold’s lawyer begins to cause infighting among the bedesmen. He rallies some of them to oppose Harding, and to sign a petition in support of the lawsuit. Eventually, the conflict escalates to such a degree, that even the popular newspaper Jupiter begins to write slander articles about Reverend …show more content…

Harding is, at best, an accessory to the crime. He always cared for the bedesmen to the utmost of his abilities, playing them music, increasing their allowances, and etc. Now, while Bold’s intentions are pure, the involvement of some unjust people results in unjust consequences. When the newspaper Jupiter releases an article that makes it seem as though all of the blame is to be placed on Harding, he is distraught. It is also to be noted that Tom Towers, the editor of the newspaper, sees his office as Mount Olympus, as though he is separated from “everyday mortals”, shaping the reality of the people (Ancient Greek Gods and Goddesses, bookrags.com). A case of the pot calling the kettle black, so to speak, as unjust individuals are just as involved in the combat against injustice as they guilty of it. The simple fact remains that, despite the purest of intentions, Bold (unjustly) hurts the father of the woman he

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