Just Mercy Book Vs Movie Essay

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Like a multitude of other movies that are constructed from literary works, there are an abundance of disparities between the book and the movie adaptation, Just Mercy is simply another addition to the collection. Nonetheless, both the book and the movie center around the captivating narrative of Bryan Stevenson, a lawyer whose pursuit of justice is like no other. Both the written narrative and its cinematic inspiration capture Bryan Stevenson’s journey through his battles with the biased criminal justice system. The tragic and cruel death of an innocent inmate, the overarching theme of seeking redemption and righteous retribution, and the setting will be displayed throughout the essay as similarities. The number of characters discussed and …show more content…

The undeniable evidence that proves the discriminatory mistreatment that people of color have to endure is a heartbreaking sight. One significant difference that sets the book apart from the movie is the number of people in the movie and their stories. The book discusses additional characters such as Joe Sullivan, Ian Manuel, Trina Garett, George Stinny, George Daniel, and numerous others, painting a picture of the sheer amount of people affected in this time period. In contrast, the movie does not mention any of these side characters. This might be to maintain a streamlined narrative in the movie, making the movie easier to comprehend. Not only does the book include more characters, but it also expands on the topic and gives more insight on other characters. Once again, Anthony Ray Hinton is a prime example of this. At the end of the movie Anthony’s release is showcased, most likely to offer viewers a more comprehensive understanding, however there is no mention of Anthony Ray Hinton in the book. There are numerous references to the book To Kill a Mockingbird within the renowned book Just

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