June 25, 1950: Syngman Rhee And The Summer Of Terror

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June 25, 1950: Syngman Rhee and the Summer of Terror
In response to North Korea's invasion of his country, South Korean president Syngman Rhee orders his military and special police forces to eliminate the threat posed to his regime.
June 26, 1950: Truman Meets at Blair House
While the situation rapidly deteriorates, President Truman convenes two days' worth of high-level meetings at Washington, D.C.'s Blair House.
June 27, 1950: US and UN Condemn North Korea
In the morning, President Truman issues a statement announcing to the American public the decision made at the Blair House on June 25 and 26.
June 28, 1950: North Korea Captures Seoul
North Korean forces capture the South Korean capital city of Seoul.
July 4, 1950: Battle at Osan
American ground troops go into battle against Northern Korean forces at Osan. The Americans suffer 150 casualties in the battle and fail to halt the North Koreans' southward advance. …show more content…

August 4, 1950: Retreat to Pusan Perimeter
American and South Korean forces end more than a month of retreat by establishing, finally, a stable defensive line outside the city of Pusan. The shattered remnants of the South Korean army and the entire American force in Korea crowd into the tiny area behind the so-called Pusan Perimeter.
September 27, 1950: Truman Authorizes Advance
President Truman authorizes General MacArthur to order his forces to pursue the retreating North Koreans across the 38th parallel, into North Korean

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