Julius Caesar Tragic Hero Quotes

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Brutus – The Shakespearean Tragic Hero of “The Tragedy of Julius Caesar “

Who is the tragic hero in Shakespeare’s “The Tragedy of Julius Caesar”? To answer this question, we need to know what is a Shakespearean tragic hero. The Shakespearean tragic hero is a person of noble stature, who has a flaw (often fatal) and leaves a legacy. After we know what a Shakespearean tragic hero is, the next step in order to answer the question is finding out which character fits the description of Shakespearean tragic hero the best in the play. The character that best fits the description of the Shakespearean tragic hero is Brutus.

First of all, Brutus is of noble stature, which actually makes him more of a Shakespearean tragic hero. In the play, Cassius tells Brutus: " 'Brutus’ and 'Caesar.' What is so special about the name 'Caesar', yours sounds as good.” This quote shows that Brutus is held at the same esteem of nobility that Caesar is held. Most Shakespearean tragic heroes are prominent and recognizable figures and this makes the consequences more severe. …show more content…

His tragic flaw is that he trusts people too much and is easily manipulated. The real reason for him joining the conspiracy was because he “loved Caesar but loved Rome more. Marcus Brutus joins the conspiracy because he thought that he is preventing Caesar’s tyranny. He also thinks that by joining the conspiracy he is saving the people of Rome. He also trusts . After entering the conspiracy, he became responsible for Caesar’s death, which led to a civil war, which led to Brutus’s death. Brutus’ downfall is caused by his tragic

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