Julius Caesar: An Example Of Brutus As A Hero

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Within act 1, I believe Brutus is most likely to be a hero. In the play there are some good examples of Brutus being Heroic. “Into what dangers would you lead me, Cassius, That you would have me seek into myself For that which is not in me?” (1,2,65-67) Here Brutus is asking what Cassius is trying to lead him into. He is also asking why Cassius would have him look inside himself for something that isn’t there. I believe that Brutus is trying to keep himself from thinking bad things about Rome and the leaders. Brutus is a good example of a hero. “But wherefore do you hold me here so long? What is it that you would impart to me? If it be aught toward the general good, Set honor in one eye and death i' th' other, And I will look on both indifferently,

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