Jos� Joaquin De Herrera, Proclamation

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José Joaquín de Herrera, Proclamation

June 4,1845 José Joaquin de Herrera President of the Council of Government in charge of the Executive Power of the Mexican Republic. Joaquin was born February 23, 1792, Xalapa, Mexico. José Joaquin is well known as a pollution in mexico, he was the 14th president of mexico. He links up to The Mexican American war because he was a general in the Mexican Army. He created The Proclament for the Mexican american War to call upon the mexican nation to fight in the War. The Proclamation was created at the Palace of the National Government,City of Mexico on June 4, 1845. The war began on April 25, 1846, because Texas wanted its independence from Mexico caused the war to break out, which made Joaquin Approved

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