Johnny Dally And The Outsiders Similarities

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How can two people who live by entirely different rules, and see the world opposite the other does, have anything in common, and still be great friends? It seems unlikely. Nevertheless, in the novel The Outsiders, by S. E. Hinton, there are characters with opposite taste and opinion in everything. These two boys, Johnny Cade and Dallas Winston have their similarities as well differences. They both have vituperative homes and care very much for each other. Yet, their dissimilar personalities, and how they feel about the law kept them apart at times. Therefore, Johnny Cade and Dallas Winston have many differences, and similarities in their lives. An important similarity that Johnny and Dally both have is that they both live in abusive homes …show more content…

Dally is just a kid who has been living in different cities and states all his life, he seems to not care about anything but later shows his heart. Ponyboy realizes: “Johnny was the only thing Dally ever loved” (152). Dallas clearly loves Johnny in a way only a tough guy like himself could. He never shows his emotions, but when he loves something and it gets hurt, Dally will be in pain. Johnny loves Dally, in the way of a little brother admiring his older brother. The character Ponyboy tells the readers: “Johnny worshiped the ground Dallas walked on” (25) Johnny sees all there is to Dally, and that is why he is able to love and worship Dally. Consequently, Johnny and Dally are identical in the way that they both love each …show more content…

For example, Dally breaks rules on purpose and gets in a lot of fights, where Johnny hates fights and always obeys the rules. The greasers may be the poorest people in town, but they still have some money to spend, yet, they sneak into the movies all because “Dally hated to do things the legal way” (20). Dallas ran around looking for trouble, he tries to break the law. On the contrary, Johnny likes to follow rules. The greasers got beat up all the time so they all carry switchblades with them for protection, even “Johnny who is the most law-abiding of us” (34), Ponyboy explains. Johnny believes in following the rules instead of breaking them. He never wants to use his switchblade on anybody, but still has. Clearly, Johnny and Dally are truly different when it comes to the

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