John Quincy Adams's Legacy

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In U.S. history, there are an abundance of famous figures that shape the world we live in today. John Quincy Adams played a key role in the way our world operates. Adams’ early life, political career, and his legacy, has shaped and modernized the United States today.
John Quincy Adam’s early life consisted of many lessons. As a child, he grew up with both parents; however his mother was the main figure in his family. She provided him with many teachings such as mathematics, languages, and the classics. However, his father was absent more than he was present, which made Adams a responsible young man. When Adams was 10 years old, he had witnessed the Battle of Bunker Hill with his mother near one of the Braintree Hills. Though the Revolutionary …show more content…

Adams’s shaped American foreign policy due to his ardent nationalist views. He played a key role in the negotiation of treaties. For example, the Treaty of Ghent, ended the War of 1812. It also, “promoted a new “American system” a package of protective tariffs to encourage manufacturing and federal expenditures for internal improvements such as roads and canals” (Roark 267). Another example is the Florida Treaty. This treaty’s objective was for Spain to surrender Florida to the U.S., similar to the Louisiana Purchase. This also made the Americans agree to abandon any claim to Texas or Cuba. However, before his presidency began, he was involved with the previous president. The fifth president of the United States, James Monroe, created the Monroe Doctrine. This was a declaration of principles to “discourage Spain and other European countries from reconquering these colonies” (Roark 267). Adams contributed to the negotiation and formations of treaties that shaped the United States foreign policy. John Quincy Adams truly was a legacy itself.
John Quincy Adams was one of the most influential figures in United States history. He has exemplified strong character during his years before, during, and after the presidency. Throughout the course of his life, he has improved his country's strength, power, and

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