John Proctor as a Tragc Hero in Arthur Miller´s The Crucible

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John Proctor as a Tragic Hero John Proctor became a tragic hero in “The Crucible” by Arthur Miller has brought a big problem to the Village of Salem, after Procto had an affair with Abigail Williams, she began to look for revenge and she started accusing people of witchcraft. John Proctor; a well-respected man in Salem, who is a hard worker always working for his family, love his children and his wife, is founded in a critical situation after committing adultery with a girl in the village. John Proctor, the protagonist of the play “The Crucible”, a well-respected man, a noble man who has done a lot for his family, possesses a major flaw he has had an affair with Abigail Williams, and eventually he realizes what he has done in Salem and to Elizabeth; his wife, at the end of the play he redeems himself and he refuses to give up his name and sign a public confession therefore making John Proctor an ideal example of a tragic hero. John Proctor is a good man, a hard worker; who cares for his family and a well-respected man in the Village of Salem. Based on the statement by Proctor, he shows that he tries to be a better man after what he has done with Abigail, and that he regrets breaking his marriage vows, when he says “ No, no, Abby. That’s done with” (Act I, line 408). John Proctor is known as a good man in the community, He is always working on his farm, and he is an honorable man. John Proctor even though that he has broken his marriage vows, he cares about his wife and shows respect for her. Due to the fact that Proctor has regretted, his outlook on life was positive, when he says to Abigail “You’ll speak nothin’ of Elizabeth!” (Act I, lines 458-459). John Proctor shows respect and he regrets of committing adultery against Elizab... ... middle of paper ... John Proctor an ideal example of a tragic hero. John Proctor has committed lechery, Abigail becomes jealous of his wife, and Proctor regrets of breaking his marriage vows, therefore he becomes a tragic hero. John Proctor dies as a tragic hero, he had sinned, he committed adultery, even though it was too late to regret, he does, but now he is known as a sinner and Elizabeth has lost faith on him, she does not trust him anymore, Abigail is jealous of Elizabeth and looks for revenge, so she accuses Elizabeth of witchcraft and John will not let that to happen so he confesses what he has done, at the end he is hanged as an honorable man because he did not make a public confession and did not give up his name, he explains why his name was so important, and the importance of a person’s name, therefore he dies as an honorable man and is an ideal example of a tragic hero.

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