John Locke Impact On Society

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In history that have been many philosophers that helped form our nation. The fullment of ideas and thoughts that created wonders around the world. Some philosophers made major impacts with words, while others made impacts with actions to create change. During times of change like, the Enlightenment and Scientific Revolution, is when many ideas were put to the test. As many changes were created, ideas during this time influenced many other people from other countries to adopt the ideas. For example, the Enlightenment's political ideals had an influence on such as Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson, and were reflected in the American Declaration of Independence and the United States Bill of Rights. The best philosopher to make an impact on …show more content…

On August 29, 1632 in Wrington England, John Locke was born. As he grew within his hometown he studied at Oxford University. He grew to become smarter as he learned a major life role as he studied. John soon became a strong philosopher and wrote that helped western philosophy. John Locke soon grew to make friends, “Early in his medical studies, Locke met Lord Ashley, who was to become Earl of Shaftesbury. The two grew close and Shaftsbury eventually persuaded Locke to move to London and become his personal physician. As Shaftesbury's stature grew, so did Locke's responsibilities. He assisted in his business and political matters, and after Shaftsbury was made chancellor, Locke became his secretary of presentations.” ( website) Having learned from his friend Shaftesbury, Locke grew a passion for political thoughts and government which Shaftsbury embarked on him. As years past with the two having a great relationship, Locke and Shaftesbury shared in many fame and fortune. Both ran the “exclusion” campaign but soon failed as Shaftsbury was exiled. While Locke was away from England from the failed attempt of assassination of King Charles II. As Locke was away he made a composition which was …show more content…

Locke fired up George Mason. From Locke, James Madison drew his most fundamental principles of liberty and government. Locke’s writings were part of Benjaimin Franklin self-education, and John Adams believed that both girls and boys should learn about Locke.” With this quote, it helps explain the influence Locke had on many people around the world. Mostly famous for the Life, Liberty and Property saying. It grabbed the attention of our most famous philosopher Thomas Jefferson. Thomas Jefferson enjoyed how Locke believed that people do in fact have rights in which the government cannot violate. Locke also believed that people do want to be part of a society and would abolish some of their liberties for benefits. Thomas Jefferson pretty much copied Locke word for word when writing the Declaration of Independence. Locke had Life, Liberty, and property. Then Jefferson change it to Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of happiness. Locke’s property meant that land owned cannot be sold and or taken away by the government by any means. Jefferson’s pursuit of happiness meant a freedom of opportunity, while living the best life you can. John Locke influenced Thomas Jefferson and many other Founding Fathers as well. John Locke influenced Jefferson to write one of the most famous phrases in the Declaration that says all men are created equal, with an entitlement to “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of

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