John Gatto's Flaws

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The public school in general is a hassle, form its strict curriculum to its tedious program advised by the state. Students are forced to take standardized testing result, along with other statistical measures about attendance, and awful teachers when going to a public school. In fact, depends on people who are informed about issues. The more education someone has, the more money he or she is likely to make during their life. As a matter of fact, being in school helps you learn how to deal with others, set goals and brings out the creativity. Those are crucial skills that must be learned. If the school does not meet the state minimum requirements allowed, parents take another route they consider homeschooling. Children have been trained early …show more content…

Likewise, Gatto merging his passion and purposes to make an empowering argument. The author mentions, “Of course, teachers are themselves products of the same twelve-year compulsory school programs that so thoroughly bore their students, and as school personnel they are trapped inside structures even more rigid than those imposed upon the children. Who, then is to blame?”. This quote uses the word “trapped”, which suggests the students and teachers are. A person being trapped tends to have a negative connotation. Being trapped is an awful feeling. You should try to pursue those interests even while you are trapped. A much more compelling case can be made for leaving an environment when you have demonstrated an interest and aptitude in some pursuit that demands a commitment that time spent in school clearly interferes with. This may still fail to convince parents of the necessity of leaving school, but at least these endeavors involve doing things …show more content…

The author demonstrates, “Now for the good news. Once you understand the logic behind modern schooling, its tricks and traps are fairly easy to avoid. School trains children to employees and consumers; teach your own to be leaders and adventures. School trains children to obey reflexively; tech your own to think critically and independently. Well-schooled kids have a low threshold for boredom; help your own to develop an inner life so that they’ll never be bored. Gatto illustrates flaws schooling has on your future career, basically stating we’ll become employees and consumers rather than owners and CEOs. As has been noted, the school impact on one’s earning potential starts throughout preschool- through high school. Certain people may perceive wealth as a guide of accomplishment, but then must people end up with failure? Others may see their position as evidence of their success such an assessment is easy but superficial. It may be tempting to measure our success by the knowledge that we have attained through our

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