Jeffery Dahmer Research Paper

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Jeffery Dahmer was sentenced to 15 consecutive life terms for the murders of 17 men and boys in the Milwaukee area between 1978-1991. Dahmer had sex with the corpses of his victims and kept the body parts of others, some of which he ate. Later he was beaten to death by another prison inmate (Pearson, par. 1). Could there possibly be an excuse for these horrific actions? Recent research proves that the serial killer brain is underdeveloped in the section in which ethical and moral decisions are made. Abnormalities in the brain can be discovered at a young age. Research in the UK by Graeme Fairchild, a lecturer in clinical psychology at Southampton University, has shown that adolescents with aggressive conduct disorders often had a shrunken amygdala - the …show more content…

What exactly is a serial killer? The most comprehensive definition of a serial killer comes from Laurent Montet, a professor of social justice at the University of Sangamon. The definition is as follows: “ It is a crime series when one or more individuals (men, in most cases) commit a second murder and/or other subsequent offense; there is no predetermination ( no prior relationship between the author and the victim); it comes at a distinct moment and it is, apparently, unrelated to the initial murder and is generally committed in a different geographical area.” (Nistor-Lung and Neagu 736) Opposed to serial killers there are also criminals who kill just once, called criminals of opportunity. What is the main difference? Serial killers act on the basis of brain dysfunction, suffering from some mental illness. What makes them more dangerous is the fact that they do not feel empathy, compassion or fear, but a need and pleasure of killing. Criminals of opportunity kill just for self conservation, many of them calling this phenomenon “ survival”.” (Nistor-Lung and Neagu

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