Jean Piaget's Four Stages Of Cognitive Development

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I am here suggesting our ideas for toys that will help children; from birth to adulthood; be ready for the real world. We have used the ideas of Jean Piaget and his 4 stages of cognitive development. The toys for each stage represents how they work. In this letter, I’m going to share our thoughts on these toys and would love to hear your feedback toward them. To start off this first stage, I will describe the toys that we have chosen to represent this stage. The first toy we chose was a Crawling Minnie. Minnie will help babies from 7 to 10 months get an idea to help them start crawling. She can talk and sing to get the child to follow her. Our next toy for this stage is the VTech Sit-to-Stand Learning Walker. This toy will help children from 9 to 12 months to help them start walking. The front part of the walker is removable, so you can place it on the floor and let them play with it. It has songs, animal noises, and little activities that the child can enjoy. This is the Sensorimotor Stage and it helps babies experience the world through senses and actions. The phenomenon chosen for this stage was object permanence, when babies use objects to teach them the world. The age …show more content…

This stage is the Preoperational Stage. The toys that were selected to help children from age 2 to age 6 build up their language. The first toy chosen was Fisher-Price’s Laugh & Learn Learning Puppy. The toy labeled with foot, tummy, hand, and ear. If each label is pushed, each of them will have a different song or activity that the child can play along with. For example, if you press the hand button, then “If You’re Happy and You Know It” will play. The next toy chosen was an alphabet tablet that has two languages, English and Spanish, include in it. This toy will help children learn their alphabet and spelling with many different activities to help guide

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