Japanese-American Internment Camps

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World War two was a terrible, terrible time, not only for Jewish people and people of religion, but also for Japanese-Americans. The conditions of the Japanese-American internment camps were not nearly as severe compared to the conditions of the concentration camps during the Holocaust, due to the government decisions. The conditions of the internment camps would seem like a paradise to people who had to be in the concentration camps. The conditions of not only the weather, but the living conditions, the food, the communities and the amount of labor that was forced upon the people was completely different between the two camps. One of the main differences of the conditions between the two camps, was the weather. The weather at the internment camps was not nearly as cold as it was at the concentration camps. At the internment camps, it was mild temperature like it is in California today. The only problem was it very windy, so lots of sand was always being blown around and in some cases, into the cabins that the Japanese-Americans stayed in. At the concentration camps, it was either freezing cold or you were up to your ankles in mud. It was so cold that Elie’s foot got infected and had to be operated on. It also did not help that the people at the concentration camps barely had any clothes to protect them from the cold, …show more content…

At the internment camps, there were shacks which had beds and the necessary living needs. As I said earlier, they did have holes in them which allowed sand to come through and into the house. Even though they were small, they were way better than the concentration barracks. In the concentration camps, there was no insulation in the barracks. They slept on slabs of concrete with a sad excuse of a blanket. There was no room as well so you were squished between strangers. The concentration camps were very cold and cramped and no person should have to physically live like

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