Jamaica Kincaid Girl Essay

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Jared Summitt
Mrs. Pat Homer
English 1102 SI 20332
8 March 2015
A Psychological Look into Jamaica Kincaid’s “Girl”
In the short story “Girl,” Jamaica Kincaid portrays herself as a young African-American girl that is being taught the rights and wrongs of life by her single mother. Despite the accusations that her mother places upon her, the young girl has many other obstacles preventing her from having a better lifestyle. Throughout the story, Kincaid tells about her childhood through the life of the young African-American girl. In Jamaica Kincaid’s short story “Girl,” life for young African-American women was psychologically different than it is today.
Poverty plays a major role in the lives of young African-American women in the early 1980s …show more content…

Throughout the entire story, Kincaid repeats the words “this is how” multiple times. Aside from explaining how to wash clothes and grow crops, the mother explains how the young girl should approach men as well. “This is how to bully a man; this is how a man bullies you; this is how to love a man, and if this doesn’t work there are other ways, and if they don’t work don’t feel too bad about giving up” (105). Her mother even goes to the extent of telling her how to love a man and how a man should love her. This eliminates the ability for the young girl to see what love is for her own self. Jamaica Kincaid has been fascinated by writing her entire life. Growing up, Kincaid’s family did not approve of her desire to write for a living, especially her mother. Kincaid’s mother raised her specifically to grow up and have a family of her own and raise her own children just as she did. Writing was just not what young black women did during this time. As Kincaid grew older, the worse she became psychologically with her mother. Controlling her entire life, her mother somewhat scarred her mentally and psychologically. In her mind, Kincaid only knew of what her mother told her was right and what was wrong and that is what she lived …show more content…

Everyone, including her own mother, put Jamaica Kincaid down about what she wanted to do with her life. This put a major mental obstacle in front of her. Her family and society both thought Kincaid should just go through the motions and be what every other young African-American girl was during this time. However, Kincaid had bigger plans for her future. In her late teenage years, Jamaica Kincaid moved to New York in search of work. She became a nanny for a very wealthy family. Little did she know, Kincaid was babysitting for a publisher of a major magazine company. Her long awaited pursuit of a writing career was over. The man got Kincaid’s first article published in the New Yorker magazine. After she got her first article published, Kincaid began to grow in her career, writing many more books and novels. In addition, she was also able to overcome many of her social, mental, and psychological stresses and

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