Jack's Run: Summary

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Jack Reacher notices a woman struggling to carry her recently dry cleaned clothes. As she dropped her clothes on the dirty Chicago street, Jack decides to escort her to her destination while carrying her cumbersome load, which was easy for a strong 6 foot 4 man. As they begin to walk to her car they are cut off by two men holding pistols right at their stomachs. Being ex-military Jack Reacher starts to evaluate the grave situation, thinking of a way out without harm to him or her. He looks at the man facing him, he is a fit man, but appears very nervous and jittery as if he hadn’t done this before. Jack then looks at the man across from her. He observes his calmness and his stature. He can see that it is not his first time holding someone at gun point. The men are both in top physical shape, but not too much for Jack to handle. The man across from her commands both of them to get into the back seat of the white car on the side of the street. Jack in a matter of seconds examines the intense situation. He knows how to disarm the first man but can’t tell if the woman knows what to do in this event. He thinks about reacting but notices a crowd of people behind him who would more than likely take a stray …show more content…

The director of the FBI is head of the investigation, but it begins very slowly. The next morning, Holly and Reacher are once again transported in the white panel truck. Holly didn’t understand why Reacher did not attempt to escape the night before, but Holly felt responsible for his safety. That night they are held in a barn, however, it is clearly shown that Reacher and Holly are watching after each other when all the sudden one of the kidnappers tries to rape Holly ruthlessly. Reacher breaks free from his restraints and kills the kidnapper and then hides his body so that none of the other kidnapers would know about what went

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